Puget Labs Certification Program to help you choose your workstation by Jose Antunes

Puget Labs Certification Program to help you choose your workstation by Jose Antunes

A certification badge will be associated with some of the workstations already recommended by Puget Systems, to make it easy for professionals to get an optimal workflow experience.

Following the recent news that Puget Systems will have, next July, workstations based on AMD’s Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5000 WX-Series, it’s now time to announce the ‘Puget Labs Certification Program’. With this announcement, the Puget Systems Labs team will be signifying select Recommended Systems, which are heavily based on Puget Labs testing and expertise, with a certification badge and brief text description on how and why they have been certified by the Labs.

Professionals have, for a long time, followed Puget Systems suggestions in terms of best solutions for different workflows, and since the launch of Puget Labs, the company’s website is a mandatory destination to check which CPUs, GPUs and other hardware work better with the needs of different content creators. Now, the introduction of the Puget Labs Certification Program’ expands that offer. For customers, this means that Puget Labs Certified systems represent those hardware configurations that have been specifically developed and verified through exhaustive testing by the Puget Labs team, ensuring an optimal workflow experience and best possible performance.

“Recommended” and “Certified”

Here is some more information shared by Puget Systems regarding this new service offered to professionals:

The Puget Labs Certification badge on Recommended Systems means that certified systems have been developed and verified as result of thorough and exhaustive testing by the Puget Labs team. Specifically, this means that hundreds – and sometimes thousands – of hours of Labs time are spent on software and workflow research, benchmark development and testing on site in the Puget Labs. The results are then organized into specific hardware configurations that Puget Labs can stand behind and represent as the best options available for customers.

In addition, this depth of knowledge and information flows over into providing the Puget Systems Consulting and Support teams with in-depth details on these certified systems and related applications. This new Certification Program is designed to give the best possible experience for customers when purchasing and using Puget Systems workstations – whether as an individual, part of a small business team, or in a large enterprise environment.

While not all Recommended Systems will bear the Puget Labs Certified badge, that is not a signal that these recommendations are any less reliable. It simply means that for those systems or configurations labeled “Recommended,” Puget Labs will not have conducted the same extensive in-house testing for those applications that have been completed for Certified systems. Instead, Puget Systems consultants and team members research how the selected programs interact with hardware and then build the recommendations based on their findings. A wide variety of sources are used in that research, including information from the software developers themselves, benchmarks and testing data reported on other websites, and discussions with our existing customers, for example.

The Puget Systems Consulting team has deep and broad experience, and over time they have amassed a significant knowledge base surrounding the needs and behavior of a wide variety of applications. Follow the link to read more information on the new Puget Labs Certification program.

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